Brains of this World: Insects

By Tonny Mulder


By André Karwath aka Aka; Credits; CC BY-SA 2.5

All about insect brains

The internal Anatomy of the Insect

Insects belong to the Phylum Arthropoda, invertebrates with segmented bodies and jointed limbs. Their bodies consist of three segments, the head (A), the thorax (B) and the abdomen (C). The distinctive head and thorax segments seperates them from spiders where the head and thorax are fused into the cephalothorax.

  • Brain: Aqua (5)
  • Nerve cord Dark blue (19)
  • Circulatory system: Red (7)
  • Reproductive system: Brown (17)
  • Respiratory system: Grey (8)
  • Digestive system: Green

More detailed information can be found here.


By Piotr Jaworski; Credits; CC BY-SA 3.0

The insect brain

Insect neuroscience is booming with studies on Drosophila being the front runner. Needless to say that databases of Drosophila neuroscience are the first to surface (for an example see below). However, recently the 'Insect Brain Database' was launched and it provides a state of the art database where other insect species are highlighted. Below, several images are presented that were constructed with the 3D brain visualization tool of the database. In these the lateral complex, the central complex and the mushroom bodies in several insect species are visualised. This is just a small selection of insects featured in the insect database, so we strongly encoerage you to visit the insect brain database website. for more indepth and extensive information.

The insect brain featuring the three main neuropils

The insect brain consists of a number of central brain areas (neuropils), including the circuits of the lateral complex and the central complex that are responsible for navigational control using visual, ideothethic and compass cues and the mushroom bodies that hold long term visual and olfactory memories (Collett and Collett, 2018). This organisation is highly conserved in most insect species, such as the fruit fly (), honey bee (Plath et al., 2017), moths (deVries et al; 2017), locusts (el Jundi et al., 2010) and ants (Habenstein et al., 2020).

Below, the brains of six different insect species are highlighted, featuring the lateral complex (light green), central complex (dark green) and the mushroom bodies (red/orange)

Aedes aegypti

Yellow fever mosquito


Photo: GFDL 1.2 ; insectbraindb (Aedes aegypti): CC_BY_4.0

Agrotis infusa

Bogong moth (female)


Photo: CC BY 3.0 AU Deed ; insectbraindb (Agrotis infusa): CC_BY_4.0

Bombus terestris

large earth Bumblebee


Photo: CC0 1.0 Deed ; insectbraindb (Bombus terestris): CC_BY_4.0

Cataglyphis nodus

Desert Ant (female)


Photo: CC_BY_4.0 ; insectbraindb (Cataglyphis nodus): CC_BY_4.0

Danaus plexippus

Monarch Butterfly (female)


Photo: GFDL ; insectbraindb (Danaus plexippus): CC_BY_4.0

Schistocerca gregaria

Desert Locust


Photo: Public domain ; insectbraindd (Schistocerca gregaria): CC_BY_4.0

Brain circuitry in navigation (Desert ant)

Central Complex

Schematic diagram of brain circuits involved in navigation in the Cataglyphis ants. Rössler et al., 2023.

Legend to picture

  • AL: Antennal lobe
  • ALTs: antennal lobe tracts
  • AMMC: antennal mechanosensory and motor center
  • AOT: anterior optic tract
  • AOTU: anterior optic tubercle
  • ASOT: anterior superior optic tract
  • BU: bulb
  • CO: collar
  • CX: central complex
  • DRA: dorsal rim area
  • IOC: inferior optic commissure
  • LA: lamina
  • LAL: lateral accessory lobe
  • LI: lip
  • MB: mushroom body
  • OL: OL
  • POC: posterior optic commissure
  • PS: posterior slope
  • T6: Johnston's organ afferent tract 6
  • VL: vertical lobe
  • VLP: ventrolateral protocerebrum
  • VX: ventral complex

The Lateral Complex

Lateral Complex

lateral Complex

Some More lateral complex

The Central Complex

Central Complex

A: Schematic diagram of the brain of an adult Drosophila melanogaster in frontal view. B: The mushroom body in detail. Li et al., 2020. CC_BY_4.0

The Central Complex (CX) consists of a group of unpaired neuropils in the center of the insect brain. The prominent role of the CX is generation of motor outputs according to processed internal and external stimuli (Pfeiffer and Homberg, 2014; Plath and Barron, 2015).  As reviewed in Plath et al., 2017, the CX is essential for the initiation and termination of walking, turning and climbing behavior in fruit flies, cockroaches and crickets and is considered as site for action selection and goal-directed behavior. In addition the CX clearly has a role in visual learning and memory involving spatial orientation of the cues in fruit flies and possibly in other insects. Furthermore, the CX might also initiate the appropriate responses to learned stimuli which are processed by the MBs such as color stimuli. Plath et al., 2017.

Central Complex

The brain of Drosophila melanogaster with focus on the central complex

From: Someone et al., year CC_BY_4.0

The Mushroom Bodies of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster


A: Schematic diagram of the brain of an adult Drosophila melanogaster in frontal view, showing the mushroom bodies in color. Li et al., 2020. CC_BY_4.0

  • AL: Antennal lobe (light green)
  • CA: Calex (purple)
  • LH: Lateral horn
  • MB: Mushroom body (Aqua: alpha lobe; yellow: beta lobe; brown: gamma lobe)
  • OL: Optic lobe

B: Subregions of the mushroom body. The alpha, beta and gamma lobes are shown seperately as well as the calex and its subregions. The pedunculus connects the calex complex with the mushroom bodies. Li et al., 2020. CC_BY_4.0

The calex complex comprises of 4 areas:

  • Calex (CA): receiving olfactory information
  • dorsal accessory calex (dACA): receiving visual information
  • ventral accessory calex (vACA): receiving visual information
  • lateral accessory calex (lACA): receiving temperature information

The brain of Drosophila melanogaster with focus on the sensory inputs to the mushroom bodies

From: Li et al., 2020 CC_BY_4.0

Visual information arrives via the Optic lobe (OL), whereas olfactory and temperature information is acquired via specific sensory receptors in the antennas, processed in the antennal lobe (AL). After being processed in the calex complex, the information reaches the mushroom bodies via the pedunculus. For details visit Li et al., 2020

The interactive atlas of the Drosophila nervous system.

In early 2023, the 'Virtual Fly Brain' saw daylight (Court et al., 2023). As the authors state in there summary: "The Virtual Fly Brain ( web application and API integrate 3D images of neurons and brain regions, connectomics, transcriptomics and reagent expression data covering the whole CNS in both larva and adult."


Screen shot of the virtual fly brain website. CC_BY_4.0

"Users can search for neurons, neuroanatomy and reagents by name, location, or connectivity, via text search, clicking on 3D images, search-by-image, and queries by type (e.g., dopaminergic neuron) or properties (e.g., synaptic input in the antennal lobe). Returned results include cross-registered 3D images that can be explored in linked 2D and 3D browsers or downloaded under open licenses, and extensive descriptions of cell types and regions curated from the literature."

Sensory system

Visual information

Olfactory information

Sensory processing systems

The mushroom body (MB) is a computational center in the drosophila brain. (Lin 2023).

Modulating systems

Motor systems

Hinke Boer, Fons Brauers, Andy Louter, Lindsey Pennaertz, Aisha Raja and Tonny Mulder - University of Amsterdam